Trying to Get Pregnant?

Trying to Get Pregnant?

If you are trying to conceive then you may be monitoring your body temperature and tracking your cycle (if you have one!) to pinpoint ovulation. While the timing is important, focusing on creating quality baby making ingredients is a great way to optimise your chance of pregnancy success.

Optimising egg and sperm health, and creating a receptive uterus, are all parts of the conception recipe. 

We would love to share our tips and strategies for creating a fertile gut to restore your menstrual cycle, enhance egg quality and optimise sperm health.

Are you in? Listen to us talk with Heather Huhman on the Beat Infertility Podcast to explore all things gut-fertility!

About the Author

Hi, I'm Dr Cecilia Kitic founder of Fertile Gut. We can't wait to help support you on your journey to improving your gut health! Having spent over 20 years researching in the areas of immunonutrition, physiology, biochemistry and gut health we now get to translate science into practice, sooner. Our gut microbiome provides a foundation for our immune system, metabolism, brain and heart health, and hormone balance. With our scientifically crafted natural formulations you will be creating a Fertile Gut!

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